The following account of my life as an ambassador for Christ contains several accounts of my conversations with preachers of my former denomination. Since our salvation is only possible through belief of the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4, I asked these men to preach this gospel. I have included their responses.
Called To Be An Ambassador For Christ
In II Corinthians 5:17-21 our Apostle Paul tells us that we are to be ambassadors for Christ and have been given the Ministry of Reconciliation. In Philippians 3:20 we are told that our citizenship is in heaven. In Ephesians 1:3 Paul tells us that God the Father has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
Everyone saved by their belief of the gospel of the grace of God have obtained citizenship in heaven, and have been given spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Therefore, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ and to share the Ministry of Reconciliation with others. God has given us this simple act of obedience that not only shows others the true pathway to salvation; but that also proves to the world that we are indeed children of God.
However, we cannot share the “gospel truth” until we know the “gospel truth.” The truth of the gospel was hid from me until 2019. It was at that time that I found the true gospel on – of all places – YouTube. I didn’t find the gospel preached in any church that I ever attended, and I didn’t find the gospel preached by any preacher on YouTube. No, I found the gospel taught by a man named Les Feldick; who humbly called himself a teacher and not a preacher.
My ambassadorship for Christ, and my sharing the Ministry of Reconciliation, started when I found the true gospel. It was at that time that I decided to write a paper about the two gospels of the New Testament so that I could help others understand the gospel that we are to believe. The two gospels recorded in the New Testament are known as the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God.
My paper contrasted the differences between these two gospels and contained twenty (20) differences between these gospels along with the mysteries that were given to our Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ. In my paper, I included a request to everyone that they preach, share and trust only in the gospel of the grace of God for their salvation.
Asking My Preacher and My Elders To Preach the Gospel of the Grace of God
The first preacher and elders that I gave my paper to was to the preacher and elders at my former denominational congregation. I gave my paper to these individuals because I wanted them to preach only the gospel of grace of God for salvation. The initial reason that I wanted my former congregation to preach the gospel of the grace of God was because I wanted my mother to hear the “gospel truth” and believe the “gospel truth.”
My mother believed that her water baptism was a part of her salvation because my former denomination preaches that one must be water baptized in order to have their sins “washed away” remitted. For many months I had tried to have my mother believe the truth of the gospel of the grace of God, as I explained to her that water baptism was not a part of the gospel, and therefore was not a part of her salvation.
Sadly, my mother believed her denominational doctrine, and she would not accept the gospel of the grace of God as truth. Therefore, I asked the preacher and elders of my former denominational congregation to preach only the gospel of the grace of God for salvation, as I wanted my mother and all of the other members of my former congregation to hear the “gospel truth.”
My former preacher and elders rejected my request. Some may believe that I was naïve for requesting that these men change their established religious tradition of combining the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of the grace of God, especially since all denominations combine these two gospels together and preach their own specific denominational doctrines and plans of salvation. I personally knew all of these men and it was painful to see that they chose the religious traditions of their denomination over the truthful word of God.
In II Timothy 2:15 Paul tells us to rightly divide the word of truth, and I was not asking these men to do anything that Jesus Christ had not commanded for us to do. Jesus Christ, by divine revelation, gave the gospel of the grace of God to Paul to preach. Paul tells us that what he writes are the commandments of the Lord – I Corinthians 14:37. These men were disobeying a commandment that came directly from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when they refused to “rightly divide the word of truth.”
Asking Other Preachers and Elders to Preach the Gospel of the Grace of God
After the preacher and elders at my former denominational congregation rejected my request to preach only the gospel of the grace of God for salvation, I decided to ask other preachers and elders of my former denomination to follow the commandment to “rightly divide the word of truth” and preach only the gospel of the grace of God for salvation.
In an effort to reach as many preachers and elders as I could, I compiled a list of several hundred email addresses of preachers and elders. In total, I sent emails to over 250 preachers and elders. In these emails, I attached a pdf copy of the paper that I had written that contained twenty (20) differences between the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God and the mysteries that Paul taught.
I emailed ten (10) preachers and/or elders on the same email, so that these preachers and elders would know that they were not alone in receiving my request for them to “rightly divide the word of truth” and preach only the gospel of the grace of God for salvation. Most of these preachers and elders simply ignored the email that I sent to them. However, I was able to converse with several preachers.
The Preacher That Said…They Can’t Handle the Truth
This preacher has a YouTube channel that I had viewed a number of times, so I sent this preacher a copy of my paper. I knew that this preacher loved to debate preachers from another particular denomination, so I commented on one of his YouTube videos that he would be afraid to debate me. This preacher responded to my comment by asking me to call him, which I did.
When I spoke with this preacher on the phone we had polite conversation. This preacher told me that he had served time in prison and that he was recovering from cancer. I knew from viewing his debate videos that he was not afraid to say whatever he wanted to say, and I appreciated that particular trait. I asked this preacher the question – why don’t you just preach the gospel of the grace of God only and not combine it with the gospel of the kingdom?
In his response, he said that “they can’t handle the truth,” referring to his congregants that he preached to. He then said that his congregants just use the church building as their Sunday Morning Social Club. In a way, his reply was honest. It is hard for someone that has grown up in a denomination to accept the “word of truth rightly divided.” They have been taught their particular denominational doctrine for so long that it is hard for them to accept Paul as their only apostle and accept the gospel of the grace of God as their gospel.
These denominational members have heard sermon after sermon about Peter and not Paul. These members have trusted their preachers, and so it is very hard for them to accept the “gospel truth” that conflicts with their denominational doctrine. However, I wasn’t asking this preacher for an excuse, but for a “reason” why he didn’t just preach the gospel of the grace of God only and not combine it with the gospel of the kingdom. His response was to lay blame at the feet of the members of the denomination that he preached to and to not take any accountability for his own actions.
I didn’t push this preacher to debate me, since I knew that he wouldn’t debate me. This preacher loved to debate other preachers who also combine the two gospels and then preach their own blended gospels. However, I felt certain that he would not debate anyone who “rightly divides the word of truth,” as I had already asked quite a few preachers of my former denomination to debate me and they had all declined to do so.
The Young Preacher Who Didn’t know The Gospel Truth
One of the preachers that I emailed my paper to was a very young preacher who I had seen on a YouTube channel that promotes the doctrines of my former denomination. I emailed my paper to this young preacher, and I had followed up with a voicemail asking for him to call me. This young preacher returned my call and during our conversation he asked me the following question. “Can people be saved by what I preach?” His question to me illustrated the fact that he truly didn’t know the “gospel truth” concerning salvation.
I responded to his question and told him that they cannot be saved by believing what you are preaching. I told him that the only way that members of your congregation can be saved is by believing the gospel of the grace of God. I am hopeful that this young man found another line of work. After our conversation, I no longer saw him on the YouTube channel that promotes my former denomination.
The Angry Preacher Who Said…Stop Sending Your Nonsense
I emailed my paper to the eldership of one of the congregations associated with my former denomination. These elders were included as one of the ten recipients of one of my emails. In response to my email, I received an email from a preacher at that congregation. This preacher told me “stop sending your nonsense!” I had never before or since that time received such an angry response.
None of us can speak for God except by speaking truthfully about what is written in God’s word. What I was doing in this particular case was to ask the eldership at that denominational congregation to preach that salvation comes only through belief of the gospel of the grace of God.
However, I didn’t receive any response from those elders. Instead, I received an email response from their preacher calling what have I had written “nonsense.” After I received his email, I emailed this angry preacher and asked him to debate me; however, he never accepted my offer to debate me concerning what he had called “nonsense.”
Approximately two months later, I found that this preacher had been involved in an accident and that the accident had left him partially paralyzed. This preacher will never be able to walk again. While I don’t know if his angry email to me calling what I had written about God’s word “nonsense” had anything to do with his accident, I do know that God can and does intervene in our lives.
The Preacher That Said…I’m Not saved
I asked to meet with a preacher from my former denomination and he agreed to meet with me. I only wanted one thing from this preacher, and that was for him to explain to my mother that her water baptism had nothing to do with her salvation. I had assumed that my request of this preacher might not be granted, and I was right, as this preacher told me that he would not tell my mother that her water baptism had nothing to do with her salvation.
What I didn’t expect him to say was what he said immediately following his rejection of my request. This preacher told me that that he doesn’t believe that he will go to heaven. I didn’t respond to his statement telling me that he doesn’t believe that he will go to heaven, because I was not there to discuss his salvation, but to discuss my mother’s salvation.
Another thing that I didn’t expect to happen is what happened when I made the following statement to this preacher. I told him “surely you don’t believe that we need to have our sins remitted in this age of grace.” I went on to say that Romans 4:15 and Romans 5:13 tell us that our sins are not imputed to us since we are not under the law.
In response to my statement, I saw at that time something that I had never seen in my entire life. I was looking at a man whose face was contorting in a way that I cannot describe. While his face was contorting, he said “I believe what I believe.” I found it hard to keep looking at him, and I turned my face away from him so that I didn’t have to continue to look at him.
Since this preacher had stated that he believed what he believed, I asked him to debate me, but he declined to do so. He said that a debate would not work because of exegesis and hermeneutics. Of course, those are just excuses that he made up.
We live in a lost and sinful world, and the god of this world has full control of it. Each of us will have to make a choice of whether we will seek the God that created this world, or instead allow the god of this world to have control of our lives. Listed above, I have provided examples of men who do not preach the truthful word of God, but instead have decided to follow the traditions of their denominational forefathers and preach their denominational doctrines.
The men listed above are all preachers of my former denomination. Now, according to Galatians 1:6-10 we can be certain that if any preacher preaches anything other than what our Apostle Paul preached, then that preacher is perverting the gospel of Christ. Paul says to let that man be accursed. In verse 10 Paul says that if he himself preaches to please men, then he would not be “the servant of Christ.”
Galatians 1:6-10
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Preaching to please men – isn’t that what every denominational preacher does? They cannot preach the gospel of the grace of God and still be allowed by their denomination to continue to be preachers of their denomination. These men are indeed under the control of their denomination, and they preach their own particular denominational doctrines to please other men. They preach religious doctrines and traditions handed down to them from men of previous generations.
Paul described men who preach doctrines contrary to what he had preached. In Romans 16:17-18 Paul says that these men do not serve the Lord, but their own material gain and self-interest. Paul says that they deceive the hearts of the simple with their smooth talk and flattering words.
Romans 16:17-18
17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.
18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.
We can clearly see in Galatians 1:6-10 and Romans 16:17-18 that denominationalism started in the days of our Apostle Paul and that denominationalism is not just something that has happened in the last few hundred years. Paul says to note those that cause divisions contrary to what he preached and to avoid them.
What would become of this world if every preacher preached that we are to believe ONLY the gospel of the grace of God, and that we are saved ONLY by our belief of this gospel?