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This website is dedicated to providing the truth of the gospel and God’s plan of salvation for us today. The gospel known as the gospel of the grace of God is God’s plan of salvation for us today. This gospel is recorded for us in I Corinthians 15:1-4. Salvation is only available through belief of this gospel. This website provides the truth that there are two gospels recorded in the New Testament. This website also provides the truth as to what are false gospels.

The Two Gospels

There are two gospels recorded in the New Testament. These gospels are (1) the gospel of the kingdom and (2) the gospel of the grace of God. The gospel of the kingdom was for the Jews, who are God’s chosen people. The promise of this gospel for the Jews is of an eternal earthly kingdom with Jesus Christ ruling over the nation of Israel as their King.

The gospel of the grace of God promises an eternal abode in heaven for those who believe the gospel of the grace of God. God gave this gospel to the entire world when the Jews rejected the gospel of the kingdom when they stoned Stephen to death as recorded in Acts Chapter 7. At that time, God paused the gospel of the kingdom and gave the gospel of the grace of God to the entire world.

Today’s False Gospels

Today there are many false gospels preached and many false plans of salvation preached. The reason for this is simple. Men have combined the two gospels of the New Testament and preached these blended gospels as one gospel. Yes, these two separate gospels and two separate plans of salvation have been combined and falsely taught as if there is only one gospel recorded in the New Testament.

Knowing that there are two gospels recorded in the New Testament and that each gospel has its own plan of salvation gives us the ability to see the truth, if we want to see the truth. The truth that there are two gospels and that each gospel has its own plan of salvation gives us the ability to reject these false gospels that are preached. If you have ever questioned why there are so many denominational churches preaching so many different doctrines, you now know the answer to that question.

Now, you may be wondering why so many men would preach so many false gospels. The answer to that question is found in the Bible. In II Thessalonians 2:10 we are told why people perish when they could have been saved. We are told that they have not received the love of the truth. The men that preach these false gospels have not received the love of the truth. If they had received the love of the truth, then they would not preach these false gospels.

Our Apostle Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God. In Galatians 1:6-9 Paul writes concerning those who would pervert the gospel of the grace of God. Paul says to let them be accursed.

Galatians 1:6-9

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Men Have Used Water to Bridge the Two Gospels Together

We build bridges over water to get from one area of land to another area of land. Men have used water as a bridge to tie the two gospels together and preach their false gospels. The water that they use to sell their false gospels is “water baptism.”

Using “water baptism,” these men have been able to sell the lie that there is only one gospel recorded in the New Testament. They have been able to have people believe that the church which is the “body of Christ” started on Pentecost, and not years later when Jesus Christ gave the gospel of the grace of God to our Apostle Paul.

“Water baptism” was only for the gospel of the kingdom, but these false preachers have used what God had purposed for “HIS” gospel of the kingdom and used it for their false gospels. It was the preaching of “water baptism” to my mother and her belief that her “water baptism” was needed for her salvation that has resulted in the creation of this website.

These false preachers have sold the lie that there is only one judgment day and one resurrection. However, when we rightly divide the two (2) gospels, we are able to clearly see three (3) future resurrections and four (4) future judgments. Many more lies have been told in order to preach the false gospels and false plans of salvation.

The Two Biggest Lies of False Gospels

The two biggest lies of false preachers and false gospels are that (1) one must do something other than believe the gospel to be saved, and (2) one can lose their salvation once they are saved. Coming in a somewhat distant number (3) is the lie of Calvinism that God chooses who He will save and who He will destroy. These lies are only possible to be perpetuated by using “water baptism” to combine the two gospels of the New Testament and then preaching them as one gospel.

What Will We Do?

We have the Bible which contains the truth of the gospel of the grace of God. Our Apostle Paul tells us in II Timothy 2:15 that we are to rightly divide the word of truth. In Ephesians 1:13-14 Paul tells us that the word of truth is the gospel of our salvation, and that when we believe the gospel of our salvation, that we are then sealed by the Holy Spirit until we are redeemed by Jesus Christ.

Knowing that our salvation comes through our belief and trust in the gospel of the grace of God gives us power over false gospels. Now the question becomes “what will we do with the truth of the gospel?”

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